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A Community Operator for a Community Space

Bay 20 was built on land managed by Westway Trust. In response to feedback from the community about the long-term operation of the space and the importance of Bay 20 as a local resource, Westway Trust established a community-led steering group to oversee the process of selecting a community operator for Bay 20 and to ensure it delivers the desired community benefit.


North Kensington residents Fiona Flaherty and Deborah Lauder were chosen by the Bay 20 steering committee following a competitive tender process that attracted a number of applicants.


Fiona and Deborah have extensive experience of delivering impactful community development and engagement initiatives and have formed a new Community Interest Company (a not-for-profit organisation with social objectives) called North Kensington Hearts and Minds CIC (NKH&M).

NKH&M will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the space, including managing bookings and curating activities. Bay 20 operates under an agreed set of principles around accessibility, affordability, helping to reduce isolation and offering a welcoming, positive and supportive environment.


An independent steering group was established in January 2019 to oversee the running of the space to ensure it delivers benefit to the North Kensington community. The steering group is currently made up of eight North Kensington residents, two community group representatives and two local councillors. NKH&M will be supported by the Bay 20 Steering group and Westway Trust in operating the space.


For more information on the tender process, please read the Tender Specification and our FAQs.


Community space

71 St Marks Road, London, W10 6JG

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020 3579 0384

Please note that when using a Sat Nav to drive to Bay20 you will need to enter the street name to avoid being directed onto the flyover.

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